A response I have used with a number of my students when I found out that they were getting married is "I can't think of anything better in life than living with your best friend for fifty years." I have adjusted the number of years to reflect where we were at the time, but now the number is coming up on fifty!
We have been greatly blessed in many ways, and live in gratitude for God's gift of life and relationship. Long before the wedding day we agreed in prayer to individually and as a couple seek to honor the Lord first in our lives. Deep within my heart is that gratitude for the greatest blessing of life that the Lord has given me in giving me Brenda.
 | Rod and Brenda were married at the home of her parents on June 22, 1962. |
1964 Gathering of Brenda's family at the wedding of Sherry and Len. |  |
1969 Jeff gets to experience his first snow, and maybe his parents were more delighted than he. |  |
1975 The beginning days of the Bent Tree house. We are at the bottom of the freshly graded driveway. |  |
1977 An Easter photo with the boys. |  |
1979 Around Thanksgiving on our trip to Newport, Arkansas. At Suzanne's house. |  |
1983 Celebrating the Christmas season with family. |  |
 | 1984 Epcot Center with two maturing young men for an active day of exploration. |
1993 Out playing around in the storm of the century, which dumped and amazing amount of snow on us for March 14! |  |
 | 1994 The great blessing of this year was the Marriage of Jeff and Darla. |
1997 After Rod's summer physics meeting, we explored Colorado |  |
 | 1998 This year brought the birth of Ashleigh, our first granddaughter. |
1999 This year we welcome Jordan on August 6, and are blessed with two granddaughters. |  |
 | 2000 Rod's meeting in Canada brought the opportunity to visit Niagara Falls. |
2001 With Jeff's growing family we are settling in to a tradition of Christmas celebration in Pearl River with them and all the Moyle family. |  |
2003 With Ashleigh and Jordan on Thanksgiving. We treasure the gathering of family. |  |
2005 We enjoy family time with refugees from Hurricane Katrina, and with a family prayer send them on their way back home. |  |
 | 2006 We made a memorable trip to Costa Rica in the fall associated with one of Rod's meetings. |
 | 2008 We call it our Mardi Gras blessing when Mardi Gras in New Orleans brings Jeff and family to visit us. |
2011 At Shannon Falls, British Columbia, Canada. This was part of an Alaska trip. |  |
2012 |