Memorial Day Visit with Jeff and Family
Sunday, May 29, 2005
We went to church with the family at Northshore Church and they had the baby dedication for Elyse at the end of the service. Elyse seemed to be quite comfortable with Pastor Larry McEwen and enjoyed the whole process.
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Some infants would be terrified or disturbed by this kind of public process, but Elyse seemed quite at ease and was going for Pastor Larry's beard.
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After the service we had a time of casual fellowship with Dave and Judy and Jeff and Leslie who had come for the service and the time of dedication.
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These are the family members who were present for Elyse's baby dedication. L-R Jeff, Rod, Brenda with Ashleigh, Dave, Judy with Elyse, Darla with Jordan, Leslie and Jeff Moyle with Bethany. This shot missed Lindsey,who can be seen in the more casual shot above.
Elyse with her two grandfathers, Rod and Dave.
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Elyse with both sets of grandparents, Rod and Brenda and Dave and Judy.
Elyse with Grandma Brenda and Granddad Rod.
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Ashleigh was in the mood for doing crafts and made hats or crowns for everyone. The rain moved in to limit our activities in the yard, so we enjoyed activities on the back patio.
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Nothing escapes investigation with Ashleigh and Jordan around. So Jeff and Rod got into the act by examining this fly's eye with the Proscope and with the closeup lens.
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Jordan, Rod and Elyse with the hat Ashleigh made for her.
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I don't know what I expected of the bond between Ashleigh and Jordan and their little sister Elyse, but I must say that what is depicted here surprised and touched me. The most excited that I saw Elyse was when Ashleigh and Jordan would dance around and act to entertain her. She would laugh and squeal and jump up and down with delight. Darla had told us about it on the phone, but it had to be seen to be believed.
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Our prayer is that this bond that has begun between them will grow throughout their lives.
 | The ring-side seat! Darla and Elyse watch the performance put on by Ashleigh and Jordan.
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