Denali Park, Alaska
August 11, 1992
  | We spent the night in the Sourdough Cabins in preparation for the trip into Denali Park the next day. | |
We enjoyed the drive up to Denali Park from Anchorage with Max and Anita Hardie. The staging ground for entry into the park is alongside the Nenana River, a broad, shallow glacial river.
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Shortly into our bus trip into Denali park, I was looking out the front window of the bus and thought I recognized the shape of Denali itself. I was surprised, because I thought you couldn't see it until you got near Stony Point.
Surely enough, it was Denali that we were seeing in the distance in the early morning. It certainly got our Denali Park ride off to a good start to see the majestic snow-covered mountain.
 | The trail of tour busses usually kept separated, but we caught up with the one ahead of us because it was waiting for a wolf which was walking nonchalantly down the road in front of the bus. The wildlife has the right-of-way here.
The bus in front of us finally eased around the wolf, and as we approached, it was still just walking down the roadway, seemingly oblivious to the busses.
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Finally the wolf moved off the road and into the shrubbery alongside the road, never showing any signs of alarm.
 | We continued on the narrow gravel road into the park. The roads were cut into the sides of the rolling hills, and at several locations there was evidence of landslides.
We kept getting tantalizing views of the mountain, earlier on the road than the Stony Point viewpoint which I have come to associate with the view of Denali.
1992 |