Visit with the Hobson family
March 5-7, 2009
 | Thursday, March 5We enjoyed going over to Wanda's house and visiting with the family. Here Sarah, Marsha, Brenda and Mary at Wanda's. Marsha, Stephen, Sarah and Joshua had driven in from Dallas, Oregon. Mary and family live nearby in Woodland. |
Brenda, Marsha, Joshua and Danny involved in a game of Chickenfoot. |  |
 | Marsha and Joshua concentrate on the Chickenfoot game. |
Brenda, Sarah, Marsha, Becky, Heather in the kitchen. Becky and Charlie had just come in from Oklahoma City and Heather in from San Antonio. Danny had manned the kitchen for breakfast. He was joined in the cooking throughout the time as Heather arrived from San Antonio and promptly baked cookies. By lunchtime, many of us were in the kitchen for an assembly of making tasty tacos at Wanda's direction. |  |
 | CW around the table: Heather, Marsha, Charlie, Becky, Sarah, Wanda, Stephen, Joshua and Brenda.  |
Emily came in from Albany, Oregon with her young son Benjamin. Mark and Rod had met Emily when she was about 18 months old in Oregon when we visited Charles and Wanda in 1989. Now she has a son about that age.  |  |
 | We had fun playing with Benjamin as he was putting on Sarah's shoes because it was reminiscent of the time we played with his mother Emily with Mark's shoes.
Stephen and Joshua had been enjoying the game of Acquire, and now Heather and Wanda join them in a game. |  |
Stephen horsed around a bit with Joshua and little Benjamin, and then they hatched the idea of giving Benjamin a ride across the floor on a blanket.
Stephen and Joshua made a delightful game out of dragging Benjamin back and forth across the carpet on the blanket. Finally, Joshua gets his chance to ride. |  |
 | Friday, March 6It was great to see the young ones getting to know one another better. Benjamin really took to his older cousin Sarah and Sarah played with him a lot. Charlie, Heather and Stephen seem to be enjoying the interaction as well. |
Rachael came in from Hensley, Arkansas with young Madilyn, so we had another little one to play with. |  |
Charlie, Heather and Marsha greet their Aunt Elma, and Sarah and Marsha greet Uncle Harold, Charles' brother. They have just arrived from Port Orford, Oregon.
 | In the afternoon we drove in to Woodland where we met Danielle and Dasha, the youngest of the Kilpatrick family. They are shown here with Joshua. They are a bit proud of themselves at this point because they have just caught a lizard - Rod helped Danielle take a picture of it. The family visited at the Kilpatrick house and made trips over to the chapel where the family visitation was held on this evening. Our drive into Woodland had taken us alongside huge orchards of blooming almond trees.  |
Kenneth has definitely noticed that Benjamin has a snack! So Benjamin generously shares with his younger cousin.
Saturday, March 7
We again drove south along Road 99W to Wanda's, paralleling Interstate 5 where you can see the cars. We enjoyed the wide-open view of the distant rolling green hills.
 | When we reached Wanda's, we found Grandmother (Danny's Wanda) and Mom feeding a hungry Kenneth. Becky looks on.
It was neat to be a part of the family crowd that cooperated to get everyone breakfast. |
 | Harold and Elma had been tired after the long trip yesterday, but were up and spry this morning and joined in with a sense of humor. Harold pretended to whack Elma with his cane and then make up with a kiss.
Charlie had a good time with all the kids, and here spends some time with Joshua and Sarah. |
 | We caught a good portrait of Stephen and family by the door. It was great to just be able to spend some time together with everyone.
Heather came in from San Antonio and Charlie and Becky from Oklahoma City, so it was good for them to get some time together. Charlie and Becky lived in San Antonio for a number of years and long to go back. You certainly had the feeling that Charles was enjoying having gotten together this extraordinary grouping of his family. |
2009 |