Snowstorm in Atlanta
March 14, 1993
In mid-March we were surprised by this extraordinary snowstorm, the biggest we had ever seen in Atlanta. We were to learn later that it was to be called the "Storm of the Century", wreaking havoc from the Keys to New York City.
| At this time we had already had some warm weather and the jonquils were in bloom. Brenda digs one out of a snowbank so we can see the bloom. The azaleas in the front yard that were about ready to bloom got covered with soft snow.  |
Looking across the carport, we could see the snowy neighborhood to the east, with snow covering even the car on the carport. Rod is out by the blue VW above, and the snow was so heavy you could hardly see across the yard.
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We had never seen our neighborhood looking like this. This is looking across our front yard and down Moody Lane.
| We went down to play in the deep snow in Mark's back yard. The dog was excited and ready to play.  |
| Rana, Mark and Brenda at the house down the street. |
About that time a full scale snowball fight broke out. Even the dog was running for cover.
| Brenda in the deep snow beside our azalea bushes just off the parking pad. They were nearly ready to bloom. |
The flowering quince by the corner of the house was already in full bloom when the snow came.
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Brenda is standing right in the middle of Moody Lane in a view toward the end of the dead end street. Our house is on the right at the end - it is hard to recognize our neighborhood.
Brenda and Rod in the yard of 1531 Moody Lane down the street. Beside them is a forsythia bush in full bloom under the snow. Our house is high and right in the picture.
| Mark in the deep snow on the incline into our back yard. It's not very often that we can get a picture in this kind of snow in front of our own house.  |
1993 |