Jeff and Family Visit
February 2-5, 2008
 | Jeff and family arrived in the wee hours of Saturday morning. We had a hard freeze, so the first thing Ashleigh and Jordan investigated was the ice on the birdbath.
Their next adventure was to play with the old dental drill in Granddad's shop - with his supervision of course. They pretended to drill each other's teeth.
Elyse woke up and came down to join us. Jordan tried to persuade her to join in the dental drill experiments. At first resistant, she warmed to the idea.
 | Ashleigh got into some serious carving with the dental drill, making some wooden nameplates.  |
Heading outside again, we looked at some lovely bunches of golden crocus that were just pushing their way through the dry leaves. |  |
They were all asking, "When is Uncle Mark going to come?", so they were delighted when he showed up, bringing the motorcycle. Elyse got to ride first.
 | Jordan got a wild ride through the yard with Uncle Mark. |
After riding, they got a great kick out of seeing the pictures of themselves that Mom had taken.
 | Ashleigh gets a final ride with Uncle Mark. |
Ready for another run down Moody Lane. |  |
Elyse had a good time playing in the dry leaves while she was awaiting her next turn. |  |
 | On Monday, February 4, Brenda and Darla took the girls to the American Girl store. Ashleigh and Jordan with their dolls at the store. |
In the fancy lunch counter there, they had seats to fasten to the tables to hold the girls' dolls. The trip to the Boutique provided shopping and a hair salon for the dolls. |  |
 | Lunch at the fancy boutique at the American Girl store. At the American Girl Bistro, chairs were attached to the table for the dolls. |
Elyse with her doll on this all-girl trip. Note the doll is in its own seat at the table - they really cater to girls and dolls. The Nave girls at the Bistro enjoyed a the casual dining experience with a three-course meal. |  |
2008 |