Georgia Baptist College of Nursing Alumni Day
October 16, 2015
We attended the GBCN Alumni Day at Mercer Atlanta as has been our tradition, including 2013, 2012, 2011, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, and 2003 when she was inducted into the Hall of Honor. In 2002 was the Centennial celebration. This year we were particularly pleased that Anne Newton and Edie Fox were receiving awards.
 | Brenda with Evelyn York Joiner and her daughter. Mrs. Joiner taught Brenda English in the GBH School of Nursing, being a part of the Tift faculty. She was at Tift as a student along with Anne Newton, and we understand was her roommate at one time. |
Bob Zwald with Brenda, his daughter Lynn Zwald Smith, and his son. Mr. Zwald was the Administrator of Georgia Baptist Hospital for many of the early years when Brenda was employed there as an RN. |  |
It was good to see old friends like Susan Gunby and Jenny McCurdy with whom Brenda worked for so many years on the GBCN Alumni Board. It was also good to get together with friend and classmate Edie Robinson Fox.
 | Brenda at Anne Newton's table. This was a big celebration for Anne as she was receiving the Distinguished Alumna Award. |
Anne with guests from her church in Cartersville.
Anne with her table at the banquet. Standing at left are her sister Billie and husband Jimmy Hogan. At right seated is sister Lynn.
 | Anne Newton, '62Distinguished Alumna AwardPresented by Dr. Linda Strait, Dean, Georgia Baptist College of Nursing.
"The Distinguished Alumna Award is presented annually to a graduate for outstanding achievement and distinction in the profession of nursing. It recognizes excellence in nursing practice, humanitarian contributions and support of the alma mater." |
Edith Robinson Fox, '62Hall of Honor, 2015For Excellence in Clinical Nursing PracticeThe Hall of Honor was established in 2002 during the Centennial Celebration to honor the excellence displayed by so many alumni from Georgia Baptist School of Nursing and Georgia Baptist College of Nursing. |  |
 | We were very proud of these awards received by Brenda's dear friends and classmates in the GBH class of 1962. |
Each year there is a 50th year celebration, and some of this year's members of the 1965 class gather around Bob Zwald, who was Administrator at that time. At the left end is Carolyn Rich. |  |
 | Brenda brought along her Distinguished Alumna Award, which she received in 2011, so they could compare. Brenda and Anne are not only old friends, they have the same birthday, August 26. So they make it a practice to get together for lunch each year to celebrate.
Maybe they have a little too much in common. Note that Brenda is holding her plate with one hand because the other arm is in a sling from rotator-cuff surgery. Anne just went through it a couple of years ago and can sympathize, and also fuss at Brenda when she does too much with the recovering wing. |
It was great fun to get these two together, and we certainly rejoiced with Anne on her well-deserved award! |  |
2015 |