Georgia Baptist College of Nursing Alumni Day
October 19, 2007
We attended the Alumni Day on the Mercer Atlanta campus. Margaret Wise was receiving a special award. She is shown here with her daughter Kelly, with Brenda on left and Ann Shadix on the right above.
 | Brenda and Dean Susan Gunby with three of the sisters from Our Lady of Perpetual Help. They were presenting a posthumus award to Sister Rosalie, and these sisters came to honor her. Sister Rosalie had entered GBH School of Nursing at age 45 and gotten a nursing degree. |
Brenda with a Marcia Floyd Dugger, a1974 nursing graduate, and the sisters. They are sisters Edwin, Eugenia, and Martha. Marcia was a young student nurse in the same class as Sister Rosalie, although over 20 years younger, and knew her well. |  |
 | Anne Newton, center left, drove down from Adairsville to be a part of the Alumni Day since they were honoring Margaret Wise. Margaret, Anne and Brenda at left. |
Brenda with Pat Rodgers Stowe, who had driven from her home in Cordele. Pat was a year ahead of Brenda in nursing school and has been a longtime friend. |  |
 | Pam Smith McElroy drove from Tallapoosa where she now works in hospice care, covering an area from the Alabama line back to Villa Rica. She worked for many years for Dr. Lee Cross and then for a time at Piedmont Hospital. Pam is on the Alumni Board of Directors for GBCN along with Brenda and Merle Griffin (below). |
Brenda was glad to see Eleanor Verdery arrive. Eleanor and her late husband Gus Verdery are treasured friends of many years. |  |
 | Eleanor Verdery, Brenda, Dorothy Pryor with the sisters from Our Lady of Perpetual Help. |
Dean Susan Gunby, assisted by Shawna Dooley, presents the Flame Awards to outstanding alumni, which inducts them into the Hall of Honor.
 | The recognized the former awardees of the Edna Earle Teal award, including Brenda and Nancy Kirk Jones. |
Margaret Wise is presented the Flame Award for outstanding mentoring over her 50 years of employment at GBH/Atlanta Medical Center. Margaret Wise had been head nurse on 4East GBH when Brenda went to work as a new graduate, January 1963. She had also been head nurse when Dean Gunby worked on her unit as a student nurse. Dean Gunby is presenting the award. |  |
 | Brenda is a member of the Alumni Board of Directors and had the privilege of calling out the names of the GBH Class of 1957 who were present for induction into the Half Century Club of Mercer University. Dean Susan Gunby presents the recognition to Carolyn Collins Salley. |
Mary Tanner was one of the members of the 50th Anniversary class. |  |
 | Harriet Walton, left, and Jane Guinn, right, were members of the Golden Anniversary class. They were senior students when Margaret Wise, center, came to work at Georgia Baptist Hospital. Harriet was a long-time night supervisor at GBH. Jane worked with Brenda in the Case Management Department, and as a head nurse at GBH. She also worked for Dr. David Baxter before retirement. |
Merle Griffin was one of the members of the 50th Anniversary class. She and Brenda and Pam Smith McElroy (above) serve on the Alumni Board of Directors for GBCN. |  |
Cathy Carter was inducted into the Hall of Honor with a Flame Award for contributions in the area of nursing policy and legislation. Three of her colleagues came to the luncheon to honor her. Brenda, Rose St. Louis, Cathy Carter, Roxanne Armfield, Melissa Schivkrath.
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