Fall Events 2008
 | Brenda attended the Georgia Baptist College of Nursing Alumni Day on October 17. One of the honored guests was Bob Zwald, long time administrator of Georgia Baptist Hospital during Brenda's tenure of work there. Brenda serves on the Board of Directors for the College of Nursing and was involved in the selection process of those who received special awards at Alumni Day. |
 | We had taken these pictures at Alumni Day 2007and sent them to Dean Susan Gunby and were surprised that they chose to use them for this year's announcement. In the left photo, Dean Gunby presents a Flame Award. In the right one, Brenda is with Eleanor Verdery and Dorothy Pryor. |
We attended the Georgia Tech BSU Alumni gathering at Aubrey and Carol Bush's house on October 18. Brenda with Carol and Babs Gudger. |  |
 | We had a breakfast for our Sunday School class on October 25. Brenda, Jeff Haney, David McCoy, Joe Baker, Stephen Byrd, Sandra Haney, Vicki Baker. |
Around our breakfast table are, clockwise from the near end: Jim and Kathy Ciraky, Eve McCoy, Joe and Vicki Baker, Sandra and Jeff Haney. |  |
 | Vicki Baker, Sandra and Jeff Haney, Jim Ciraky. |
At the dining room table were Kim White, Noe and Maria Torres, Chris Ayers. Wit h backs turned are Kelly Brandon and David McCoy. |  |
2008 |