Sunday at Mt. Redoubt Baptist Church
August 18, 1991
 | The church members start arriving for the Sunday School that begins at 10:30. Worship service is at 11 AM with the children staying till 11:30 and then going to their Bible Study session. Above right is Nan Weaver with her two children Wayne and Christy. At left is Nan's sister Tracy. |
The women's Sunday School class is taught by Barbara Moore (far end of table). Jo Allison, Tracy and Nan around the table. |  |
 | The men's class consisted of our group: Harry, Jeff, Mitch, Warren and Gene along with Pastor Roy Moore. |
This is the left side of the Sunday morning congregation. |  |
 | The children come up to the front to sing "Jesus Loves Me" at 11:30 before they go off for their Bible study. |
The right hand side of the congregation. |  |
 | Pastor Roy and Barbara Moore with one of the children. |
Dan and Racheal Cox and their infant daughter Maggie. Dan is treasurer for the church. He pitched in and helped with the building regularly and they were very gracious to us by bringing meals and desserts and by just coming by to visit with us. |  |
 | The children's table at the Sunday luncheon. |
The adults around the abundant food table. Pat and Nan Weaver, Tanna Chenault, John Fant, Jeff in foreground. |  |
 | Gene was one of the last to the table, but there was certainly plenty of food. |
Roy treated us to a Sunday afternoon tour, starting at the log house of his daughter Judy. |  |
 | Sue, Jeff, Gene and Roy on the back deck of the house, overlooking a beautiful lake. |
Roy took us northward toward Captain Cook State Park and along the way we passed this beautiful lake, Stormy Lake. Several types of red berries brightened the green landscape. The Park is at the north end of the Kenai Peninsula. |  |
We stopped to watch salmon fishermen on a small river which crossed the shore road and emptied into the Cook Inlet. A young couple with their two children on the bridge had just landed this silver salmon. They had a net rigged on a line which they lowered the 30 feet or so to the water from the bridge to lift their catch up to the bridge. Their little boy was dancing around with their club saying "Let me bonk him, let me bonk him!!"
 | From the bridge where we stood, we could see the Cook Inlet where the stream emptied in. |
Across the Cook Inlet we got views of two glaciers coming down the mountains under the heavy cloud cover. |  |
 | Sue and Gene talk to a lady we encountered along the road. She told us she was one-fourth eskimo. She was showing us the wild celery she had picked on the river bank. She was going home to use it to season the ptarmigan she was cooking for dinner. |
We walked on the gravel shore of the Cook Inlet and Gene told us about the commercial salmon fishing in the Inlet and about the agates that had been found on this "beach". |  |
 | We proceeded back south to the town of Kenai where a fishing company was sponsoring a free salmon bake. This bearded fellow is the salmon baker. He was an interesting character who had homesteaded 160 acres as a veteran in 1958 under the veteran's homestead act. |
This is the famous old Russian Orthodox Church of Kenai. |  |
1991 |