Mt. Redoubt Baptist Church Construction
Monday, August 19, 1991
We crossed the road to the Cook Inlet early on Monday morning and got this exciting view of Mt. Spurr, about 60 miles to the north of us. This was the most we had seen of it because of cloud cover, so we we were encouraged by the change in the weather. A couple of ships were at the loading docks and you could clearly see one of the offshore oil rigs out in the Inlet behind them.
 | Warren and Sue get started cutting studs for the interior walls on the front slab. |
Rod works on the tee for one of the interior walls. |  |
 | Gene Allison, our architect and prime mover for the project, checks the dimensions for the walls we are putting into place. |
John Fant, Gene Allison, Mitch Crowley and Jeff work on the layout of the first wall.
Jeff, John Fant, and Mitch Crowley raise one of the interior load-bearing walls. |  |
 | Mitch and Jeff check the wall that was just erected. It felt good to see these interior walls taking shape. |
As the day progressed, Spur became clearer to the north and for the first time we got a good view of this majestic mountain. On our breaks, we kept running across the street to see how the mountains were clearing up across the Cook Inlet. |  |
 | We were really working at it and made rapid progress with the good weather. |
By afternoon we have built all the walls we can build until the back half of the slab is poured. |  |
 | Weather conditions continued to improve, although Spur gathers some clouds. |
We were excited to get our first glimpse of the summit of Mt. Redoubt directly across the Cook Inlet from Mt. Redoubt Baptist Church. |  |
 | In late afternoon Harry and Mitch start the process of putting on the floor joists over the supporting wall sections we had just built. |
In the late afternoon we can still see the outline of Mt. Redoubt, but it looks like clouds are gathering. At least the forecast rains haven't materialized. |  |
 | Mt. Redoubt !After 10 pm the sky has cleared and grown pink so we make the jaunt to the bluff to see this beautiful clear silhouette of Mt. Redoubt, the first time we have seen it completely clear of clouds. |
In this wider view you can just see the peak of the more distant Mt. Iliamni at the left side of the picture to the south of Mt. Redoubt.
The sky behind Mt. Redoubt continued to redden and we kept going to look at it until after 11 pm. |  |
The actual sun location now seemed to be more nearly to the north over Mt. Spur. Above is the view northward from the bluff. It was a magical night and at about 11 pm we were standing on the bluff overlooking the Cook Inlet, watching the moon to the southwest. We had seen pictures which had both the sun and the moon low on the horizon on the same side of the sky. Now we were getting the sun behind Spur to the north with a very nice silhouette of Spur at about 11pm as shown below. |  |
1991 |