Mt. Redoubt Construction
Saturday, August 17, 1991
 | With Saturday came a break in the weather and we began to put up the short walls. Harry Espy's and Mitch Crowley's clothing shows that it was quite chilly in the early morning. |
We soon had up the wall along one side of the building. It was nice to finally get some wood showing on the building. |  |
 | Cliff Soares, a young member of the church, showed up with his two sons to help us. We continued to carry out the wall sections we had assembled inside the churdh. |
Cliff and his youngest son help with the drilling of the walls for anchoring to the top of the concrete block wall. |  |
 | Mitch Crowley at left, who was the most experienced of our group at this kind of construction, kept us going forward with the wall sections. Harry and Jeff help. I would have wasted a good bit of time scratching my head. |
Mitch starts to pin down the front section. Harry Espy had also been on some building missions and he along with Mitch took the lead in laying things out. Roy Moore's house is in the background of the church. |  |
 | It was clear enough to see the shoreline well to the south of our location on the Cook Inlet. Mt. Redoubt, directly across from us remained shrouded in heavy cloud, so we hadn't seen it yet. |
To the northwest we could see a couple of the offshore oil platforms which are the key to the thriving economy of this area. The platforms have three levels of equipment and can house about a hundred people when needed. |  |
 | The shore to the north showed clearing skies, so we were encouraged after all the rain. You can see two of the oil rigs in the distance, and a loading platform at the shoreline. |
Under clear skies Mitch and Jeff work on capping the short wall above the concrete block. |  |
 | Jeff and Mitch continue capping the short wall in preparation for floor joists. |
After days of rain, it was encouraging to get all the way around with the short wall. |  |
 | Harry and Gene work on the capping of the wall. Behind them are the ends of the old trailers where we were sleeping. |
We praised the Lord for the progress on this, our first clear day. We got the short wall all the way around the basement wall and were ready to start with floor joists.
1991 |