Spring family activities
Jeff and Mark played softball on teams at Glen Forest Baptist Church. Jeff is about to get a hit. May 9. |
Jeff playing first base. Glen Forest had a ball field behind the church, and the games were relaxed and fun.
Mark's team gathering after the game.
Mark, Jeff and Carrie White had a stretch where they were into painting rocks. March 27. |
All this ball playing meant more time at the laundry chute for Brenda, but she took it good-naturedly. |
One of Rod's springtime activities was wiring in a new garbage disposal in the kitchen. May 7. |
Brenda starts working on her plants. Some get moved out to the deck. |
Jeff,Stacy and Mark on Mark's birthday, April 13. The skateboard is one of his birthday presents.
The sandbox in the back yard has been enlarged to about 8x8 feet from the original small one I built for Jeff. Jeff and Mark still spend a lot of time there. May 7.
A family portrait somewhere in this time frame. |
Jeff and Mark on the warpath. Warpaint administered by a neighbor, Carrie White. June 2
Brenda and her co-workers Johnnie Forgay and Debbie Miller in their office at Georgia Baptist Hospital. June 8.
Dear friends John and Nancy Baxley and Linda and Ron Jones dropped by to visit us on June 11.