Flower Closeups at Bent Tree
Ox Eye Daisy
At least this is my best guess based on information in Duncan and Foote, p224. May 14.
Yellow Wood Sorrel
Identification based on Duncan and Foote p 88 even though this specimen has narrower petals and red streaks. May 28
Summer Bluet
Above and to the left are high magnification views of this tiny flower. Its blooms are about half a centimeter across. May 28.
Wild Orange Azalea
Shot in rain at f22 along Buckskull Court. May 28
This spiderwort was close to the house at Bent Tree. It was shot at f22 at 0.5 magnification on the film. May 28.
This is the central portion of a spiderwort flower. June 5.
White moth. June 5.
Native Orange Azalea
This azalea was growing in the woods off Buckskull Court. June 5.
These are individual flowers of the whorled loosestrife plant. The image above was shot at 1:1 on the film. The individual flowers are about 6-8 mm across. The individual flowers are arrayed at multiple levels along with the multi-storied leaf pattern as you proceed up the plant. Maybe there are twenty or so blooms on a plant about 30 cm high. June 5.
Common roadside flowers at Bent Tree. These were on the top of Big Stump Mountain. June 5.
Wild blueberries or huckleberries grow at various places close to our house. These were off to the right of Buckskull Court. June 5.
This white violet was still in bloom in early June on one of our favorite walking paths east of Buckskull Court. June 5.
This proud beetle was on a leaf along Buckskull Court. Shot at fee, 1:1 on film. Maybe he doesn't belong with these beautiful flowers, it's just that he is a trophy of my small-game hunting with a Canon. June 9.
 | This woodchuck came to visit us at the house. June 9.
This is a common flower around Chestnut Cove. This was along Chestnut Cove near the steep hill. June 14.
The flowers of the touch-me-not. This was near the Bent Tree lake on June 16. The leaves of this plant recoil when you touch them. It grows as a vine, often entwining in other plants.