Physics Club Picnic
May 1, 1977
Bob Hankla was advisor for the Society of Physics Students and we had the tradition of an annual picnic with faculty and students. This year it was at Georgia State's Indian Creek Lodge.
The Hankla's arrive for the Physics Club Picnic. Bob, Kim holding Charles, and Allen.
Bob Hankla is grilling hamburgers and hotdogs. Connie Gill talks with him. Jeff Nave is climbing on the rail in front. At extreme left is Steve Manson talking with Tom Mullikin. I believe that is Lisa Anderson petting the dog.
Enjoying lunch together are the Physics and Astronomy students and faculty. I can't identify all of them, but standing in the back L-R are Steve Manson, Brenda Nave, Connie Gill, Mrs McGimsey and Tom Mullikin |
1977 |