Awanas of First Baptist Church, Mableton
As of September, 2009, we switched from Royal Ambassadors to Awana for the children, but maintained the practice of monthly events for the children.
 | On November 11-12, 2011 we had our fall overnight for boys at Bent Tree and hiked up Mt. Ogtlethorpe. |
 | On October 1, 2011 we had 17 persons for a hike up Stone Mountain on a beautiful clear day. |
 | On September 10, 2011 the Awana boys h eloped with the cleanup at the Lighthouse Community Center and then we went on a short hike at Sweetwater Park. |
 | On August 13, 2011 we had breakfast at the church and traveled Bent Tree for a fun time at the lake and waterfall. |
 | On June 4, 2011 we had breakfast and a trip to Bent Tree for fishing and swimming. |
 | On April 15-16, 2011 we had a spring overnight for boys at Bent Tree and explored the mountain, the lake and the waterfall. |
 | On April 2, 2011 we had breakfast and a trip to Sweetwater Park. The group shot is at Manchester Mills, the ruins of the Civil War era factory. |
 | On November 12-13, 2010 we had our fall overnight for boys at Bent Tree and hiked up Mt. Ogtlethorpe. |
 | On October 2, 2010 we had breakfast and made a trip to Stone Mountain for hiking on the mountain. |
 | On August 7, 2010 we had breakfast and made a trip to Bent Tree for fishing and swimming. |
 | On June 5, 2010 we had breakfast and again made a trip to Bent Tree for fishing and swimming. |
 | On April 30- May 1, 2010 we had an Awana Boys Overnight at Bent Tree. This view is on the dam of Lake Tamarack with boys Connor Smith and Logan Todd , Ray Skibba and Johnny Huffman. |
 | On March 6, 2010 we took advantage of a big snow in north Georgia . and took the boys to Bent Tree to see it. |
 | On February 17, 2010 we held our big Awana Racer Derby. The overall trophy winners for the race were First: Zoe Hobgood, Second: Kylan Brock (at left), and Third: Grayson Bartlett (center). |
 | On January 15-16, 2010 we had our first Awana boys overnight of the year at Bent Tree. The unusually cold winter had left dramatic ice falls on the mountainside. |
 | On September 12, 2009 we had our first official Awana boys event since changing over to Awanas from Royal Ambassadors. We went fishing and swimming in Lake Tamarack. |
Index |