Awana Boys at Lighthouse Cleanup and at Sweetwater Park
September 10, 2011
We had our Awana boys pancake breakfast at the church and invited our Sunday School class with the plan to do some cleanup at the Lighthouse. Only two boys showed up for breakfast, but a good group of folks came for the cleanup. Chris Ayers and Keith Weaver trim around the trees in the front yard, and above right is part of our cleanup crew. Neal Hunter had brought his tractor, Chris Ludwick with Ben, Johnny Huffman, Austin Hughes, Rod, Robin and John Ford. Others participating were Doug and Kelly Brandon, Barry Long, Gayle Hunter. James and Rebecca Young gave us guidance on what needed to be done.
Barry Long was enthusiastic about trimming the oak tree in the front yard, so Neal gives him a lift in his bucket. I used his chainsaw for trimming some limbs, and it was finely tuned and sharp.
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Keith Weaver clears away tree trimmings and Johnny Huffman and Kelly Brandon help with cleaning and organizing the cloths closet.
| Ben Ludwick and Austin Hughes as the Awana contingent pitched in to help with yard cleanup under the direction of Johnny Huffman. |
One perk for the boys was to get to ride on Mr. Neal's tractor. Here Austin actually gets to take the wheel under Neal's careful eye. |  |
| Now Ben gets his chance to "drive" the tractor as Neal moves it around the yard in the cleanup process. |
We had promised the boys a trip to Sweetwater Park, so we cut loose from the cleanup effort before eleven and headed for the Park. We moved quickly along Sweetwater Creek to the Factory.
We were blessed with a very beautiful day, and the water of Sweetwater Creek was clear and nice.
The water at the shoals was low enough that we could walk out on the rocks, but high enough to make it challenging.
After throwing lots of small rocks in the water, Austin and Ben cooperate to throw a really big rock in. Austin manages to heave it in.
The question is, can they make it all the way across the creek on these rocks?
Ben and Austin are up for trying.
Sometimes progress was fast along the rocks, and sometimes there were watery barriers to be crossed.
We pretty well had to cross here where the water was rushing through narrow channels in the rock because below us there was more open water.
| We rock-hopped our way back across the stream. Austin, above was a good scouter of ways to proceed. Chris and Ben at left try another route. Austin below shows the route that was finally taken. It was pretty challenging. |
Successfully back across the rough rocky terrain, and noone fell in!
| You walked across that?We looked back on the shoals. We had had a good adventure on this beautiful day. The boys were pretty quiet as we fixed the peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwiches for lunchh and then headed back to the church. |