May and June Birds
 | A peaceful looking goldfinch near our breakfast table on a limb near the window. |
The downy woodpecker is one of our favorites and is one of out most regular. It is a rare day when we don't see a downy at the suet feeder. June 5.
We haven't seen as many bluejays this year as usually, but when they come, they prefer the suet. |  |
 | The cardinals like the oak tree just outside our big window, and they are brilliant against the dark green leaves. June 18. |
This young female cardinal prefers to stay on the ground and forage in the grass. |  |  |
 | Our platform feeder was placed primarily for the cardinal, who prefer ground feeding. They are pretty comfortable on this feeder. And they are neat eaters, dropping the hulls off the edge onto the ground. This is is stark contrast to the messy finches, who just most of their hulls inside. June 18. |
 Both the nuthatch and the squirrel are quite comfortable upside down on a tree. The nuthatch seems to actually prefer being upside down. June 18, |  |
2020 |