Back Yard Tree Cutting
June 10, 2020
We had two large trees in the back yard that we had been worries about, one of which was leaning far over Gus and Shannon Prado's yard, so we contracted with a tree cutter to take them down. One was probably a hundred feet tall, so it took a big rig to tackle them.
 | The chainsaw guy went up in the lift and cleared the small lower limbs by dropping them. But then for the larger high limbs, he took a rope and looped over a higher limb so the guy on the ground could lower the cut limb at a controlled rate. |
  | They quickly had the back yard covered with the lower limbs.  The view above shows the lowering of one of the upper limbs on a rope. Then at left the rope holds one of the large upper limbs that had been hanging over Gus's property. It was quite impressive to see them handle those big upper limbs that had to weigh several hundred pounds.
Below he has tied around the branch of one of the removed upper limbs, and then cut off the whole top of the tree, dropping it on the rope.
The heavy top of the tree is now hanging on the rope, and is let down slowly by the rope that is wound around a frame on the truck to give enough resistance to let them lower the heavy limb. |
 | After all the limbs had been removed, the vertical trunks were cut at lengths to fit on their log truck and allowed to fall in the back yard. They were picked up and loaded onto the truck. |
On June 16 we scheduled a guy with a self-propelled stump grinder which he could drive into the back yard. He ground these two stumps plus the two stumps for the trees Mark had cut in the back part of the yard. |  |
2020 |