Summer Activities 2019
Vacation Bible School "In the Wild"
Shortly after Jordan arrived, we had her deeply involved in our Vacation Bible School. Our Sunday School class was also involved in a major way, so we were proud of their work . Clockwise from upper left: Brenda Speight was one of the leaders for the Fifth Grade and one of her granddaughters is beside her. Chris Ayers is one of the leaders for Third Grade, Betsy Weaver was a coordinator and helped to keep us organized, Bob Wade was a leader for Second Grade, Brenda Nave was the VBS Nurse, Karla Ayers was a leader of Third Grade with Chris, Cheryl Anthony helped with Crafts, and Gail Wade was the teacher for the Missions Study.
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When Jordan went to the Sunday School class taught by Janet and Al Vineyard, Janet asked her if she could help with the music in VBS. We were very proud of her role in leading the active songs in the opening assemblies along with Youth Pastor Mike Davis. She also led the active dance part of the music program that all the First through Fifth Graders attended as one of their daily stops in the VBS program, working under the leadership of Janet Vineyard. Janet was very pleased to have Jordan working with the music. The music, with its clear Gospel message, was extremely well done, and Jordan enjoyed the process, though she came home quite tired each night.
 | Mike Davis and Jordan led the action songs that were a part of the opening ceremony each night. Those songs had the gospel message, and they were learned and practiced in the music sessions each night, led by Janet Vineyard and Jordan. |
We usually started the active assembly music with the song "In the Wild". On this night, we brought the active Second Grade group up to the stage to have a go at the motions that go along with the song. | |
 | Brenda, Rod and Jordan at the Father's Day picture spot at church on June 16. Rod took pictures of a lot of fathers and families, as did Becky Ridgway. The creative setup was done by Cheryl and Mike Anthony. |
In the morning worship service we had a baby dedication for Ace, son of Youth Minister Mike Davis and his wife Caroline. Pastor Clint Miller led the dedication. Shown also is Ace's big sister Narah. We had celebrated a baby shower back in Februrary in anticipation of Ace's coming.
While I was down out of the choir to take pictures of the baby dedication, I took this photo of our choir. Our music director is Ryan Ayers who is shown at the piano. He is an excellent pianist and we are enjoying his leadership. Second from left on the back row is Jordan, who is singing with the choir while she is with us this summer.
 | After the service, I was back at it with the Father's Day pictures and was able to photograph Pastor Clint Miller with wife Tammy and children Clinton and Madison. |
In the afternoon, Jordan grilled steaks for our Father's Day celebration. Marty loaned us his grill. |  |
 | Mark was able to sign off work at 2 and come to join us for the steak dinner. We got to talk with Jeff as well, so it was a good time of celebration of Father's Day. |
On June 18 we went to Bent Tree for more cleanup and assessment of things. Jordan went up with us and she and Brenda did more vacuuming and cleaning. I replaced all the lightbulbs upstairs with LED bulbs and cleaned the ceiling light fixtures in the bedrooms, which were a real mess. I made measurements for the insulation work in the triangle attic spaces. Jordan cooked hamburgers for us on the small charcoal grill.
 | We worked hard on cleanup, but enjoyed being up at the house in the deep woods. |
2019 |