Winter Activities
This is part of the music worship service at Iglesia de Mableton on February 10. I attend many Sundays after our worship service at First Baptist Mableton. I am also there on Monday nights to help teach English to Spanish speakers and some beginning Spanish to others who are trying to learn.
 | On February 15-16 we hosted ten guys in our basement rec room for the nights. This was a part of a large youth gathering called DNOW. Matthew Smith was their leader and spent the nights with them. He had the task of trying to engage them in a Bible study between pool games.
We recognized all our youth participants in the worship service on Sunday morning February 17. |
Also on February 17 we had a baby shower for Caroline and Mike Davis and had a large crowd to celebrate with them. Daughter Narah helped announce the gifts. Becky Ridgway and Betsy Weaver helped with the gifts.
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Elyse in Parade in Pearl River
Also on February 17, Elyse was in a parade in Pearl River as a member of the dance team for Creekside Middle School. Elyse is center front above.
| Jordan is third from left front row in this picture of the BCM group that is headed to Piedras Negras, Mexico for a mission trip during the Mardi Gras/Spring Break. Jordan was excited that she was going to be able to work with the same family that she got to know on their previous trip last March. |
We were glad she had the opportunity to go again, but were sad that she had to miss the family Mardi Gras trip up to see us. She left on March 1 for the 13-hour trip to Piedras Negras and stayed about a week.
On March 10 we celebrated Mike Anderson's 20th anniversary with Mableton First Baptist with a celebration service for which we invited back former choir members over many years. We had a full choir loft and an outstanding worship service. Afterward we had a wonderful potluck dinner.
March 20 was Awana picture night.
Awanas plus teachers. Teachers on left front: Billy Ridgway, Jennifer Bentley. Back: Carol Durand, Donna Rosser, Rod and Brenda Nave, Barbara Porter, Elaine Ridgway, Wanda Willey. On right front: Johnny Huffman, Back: Ruth Floyd, Edna Goldborough, Becky Ridgway, Lorraine Shaw, Ricky Ridgway.
On Saturday, March 23 we had a cleanup day. A good group gathered to pick up trash on the streets around the church. We also fixed up bags for the food pantry visitors and did a prayer walk at Floyd Middle School. Workers left to right: Stella Davis, Eddie Good, Sammie Edwards, Sarah Smith, Karla Ayers, Madison Miller, Matthew Smith, Tammy Miller, Clinton Miller, Clint Miller, Becky Ridgway, Jeff Padgett from Cobb Coalition, Mike Davis, Cheryl Kowalecki, Chris Ayers, Ricky Ridgway.
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