Elyse's Graduation from Creekside Junior High School
May 23, 2019
 | We picked up Judy and arrived at Creekside for the 6:30 Ceremony. We found long lines of cars in both directions on the road and the parking lot packed. The gymnasium was standing room only, but Darla had managed to hold seats for us. |
The graduates entered in pairs through the overwhelming crowd. Elyse's entry was by the place where Jeff, Ashleigh, Jordan and Debbie were standing since they hadn't been able to get seats. That turned out to be fortunate, because I could get photos of Elyse walking by them.
Elyse was selected as Student of the Year and received special recognition in the celebration with a plaque. The overflow crowd, flat floor, and all graduates facing forward made for a photographer's nightmare with all good sight lines blocked. All that could be done was to catch quick shots as she returned to her seat.
Elyse's diploma was presented by Byron Long who was the worship leader at Northshore until his school duties advanced to the point where he felt he needed to give priority to them. The particular accomplishments of each student were read after their name was called.
 |  We all gathered to congratulate Elyse as the crowd dissipated. |
We had to get her together with both Grandmothers. |  |
Ashleigh and Jordan with Elyse after the graduation celebration. Elyse is holding her Plaque for being named the Student of the Year at Creekside this year. We had come down for Elyse's awards at Riverside Elementary School three years ago. That was followed by her being named Student of the Year at Riverside.
 | Elyse Nave, Lily Fleming, Trina Walters. Three remarkable young ladies, all of whom made perfect 4.0 GPAs for the year. There was one other young lady who also made a 4.0, Kaylee Reed. |
Finally a picture with a proud Mom and Dad.
 | We were pleased to get a copy of Elyse's school picture at Creekside Middle School. |