Elyse's Promotion from Riverside Elementary to Creekside Middle School
May 16, 2016
The promotion celebration was held in the gymnasium of Creekside Middle School, the school where they will attend next year.  At the end of the promotion celebration, each student walked across the front to receive a folder with their award certifications and accomplishments. This shows Elyse receiving her portfolio of awards. These photos from the opposite side of the arena were shared with us by one of Darla's friends. |  |
 | The program began with the processional of the students into the gym. We were seated in the side stands. Of course I waited until Elyse was in the procession to take this picture. |
On catching sight of the dozen or more family members seated in the left bleachers, Elyse could no longer suppress a grin. Of course the younger ones were probably doing something to provoke this reaction. The abundance of phone cameras might also have had something to do with it. |  |
But she regained her composure and marched in like a proper young lady.
 | The students all moved into place and stood by their chairs on the gym floor.  |
I was surprised by the large number of students in the fifth grade. We had just seen Elyse's class, but it appears that there were eight 5th grade classes of that size at Riverside Elementary.
 | After opening remarks and introductions, the Fifth Grade Honor Chorus sang the school song. Elyse is near center on the back row. |
There were a number of recognitions for outstanding work, and Elyse moves toward the front for one of those. I think this was the Fifth Grade Honor Roll |  |
 | Elyse is congratulated by the fifth grade teachers. Second from left is Mrs Kathryn Milton, her 5th grade teacher. |
For the major awards and recognitions, the students were placed on the risers for a group photograph. This was for Classroom Outstanding Student Awards, and Elyse got two of them, one for her main classroom and one from the Gifted teacher.
Elyse's next recognition was for the Robotics team and competition. For this she received a plaque.
The robotics participants await the completion of their team.
 | The students are now all in place, but they want their teachers and coaches to join them. |
Now they are finally in place for their picture. This was an effort that was helped not only by teachers, but also by members from the community.
 | Elyse was called to the podium one final time to be presented a larger plaque as Student of the Year for Riverside Elementary School!Maybe Jeff and Darla knew about this beforehand, but it was a surprise to us and we were very proud! |
This time Elyse gets her picture taken by herself. | |
Now for the final time in the program, Elyse is a part of a group being honored. This was for those receiving the Principal's Award.
The final event in the program is for all students to file to the front to be presented with their certificates and honors in their folder of accomplishments. Elyse proceeds back to her seat to prepare for the recessional out of the arena. | |
 | We watch Elyse join the recessional out of the arena. We are amazed at all the things in which she has been involved. |
In the chaos following the event, it was impossible to get a photo of all of Elyse's family who were present, but it was certainly a substantial number of fans. Besides Brenda and I and Jeff and Darla, Ashleigh and Jordan, Judy was present, Debbie, Jonathan and Jessica, Leslie with Bethany and Lindsey. It is certainly a blessing to be a part of such a family. Also a blessing to me was to see two young girls essentially tackle Ashleigh in their enthusiasm to hug her. We don't get to directly observe Jordan and Ashleigh working with the kids at Northshore Church, but I was guessing that these were girls that she has worked with at church - at least there was evidence of a caring influence on their lives.
We joined the crowd that was celebrating in the cafeteria which had be prepared for families after the ceremony.
 | It was too chaotic for much photography, but did get one shot of Brenda and the girls. |
It was good to be with the family for this celebration with Elyse. |  |
2016 |