Winter Activities 2018
 | January 28. Elyse at far right is participating in the Creekside Dazzlers, the creative dance team from Creekside Middle School. They are marching in the Pearl River Parade. |
Installation of Elders for Mableton First Baptist on January 28: Pastor Clint Miller, Elders Bud Durand, Al Vineyard and Billy Ridgway. |  |
We had the privilege of hearing the Sons of Jubal choir in concert at Mt. Harmony Baptist Church on February 1. They had orchestral accompaniment, but adjusted nicely so that we heard all four voice parts in a magnificent performance.
February 2-3 Rod participated in the Grades 1-5 Lockin at the church. He participated with Jordan, one of the youth, in a team for the photo scavenger hunt. We had to find pictured items in the church and take a picture of our group with the item. |  |
 | February 7. Jordan and Jeff on the street, presumably Slidell for a parade. Jeff as Chaplain of the Slidell Police Department sometimes takes police duty for parades and events. |
February 7. Occasionally we enjoy a visit from the "Skit guys", who include the Awana kids in the acting out of a skit to illustrate a Bible truth. |  |
 | February 8. We enjoyed the Valentine banquet for seniors at Mableton First Baptist and got to fellowship with lots of long-time friends like Sara Stipe and Katherine Cain. |
2018 |