More Summer Activities 2018
Having walked and driven on the Courtland Street Bridge through Georgia State for over fifty years myself, it was a notable occasion when they tore it down in the spring of 2018 for rebuilding. Parts of the bridge had stood for over a hundred years! These are views of the process of concreting the roadway between my parking lot and the buildings to the east of Courtlant on August 2. In center and right are Georgia government office buildings associated with the state Capitol which is just to the right of these views.
Rod was spending time at Georgia State cleaning out his office in 230 Natural Science Center which has been his only office at GSU since his formal retirement in 2005. This office was occupied since moving into the NSC in about 1991 when it was finished, and was used for supervision of the computer-assisted learning center he had built in 222 NSC just across from it. His main office was in Science Annex after moving there in about 1991 from his original office in 514B Kell Hall, occupied in 1968. This office in 230NSC was used from 1998 to 2017 as the source location for HyperPhysics on the web worldwide. The main offering of HyperPhysics was moved to a Georgia State University server in 2017 for greater speed, capacity and security.
This moving activity from 230 NSC was hampered at this particular time by multiple thunderstorms like that shown above in this very wet summer.
 | We have worked to spread these black-eyed susans, so we were pleased with this year's collection. Maybe they are daisies? August 9. |
We started the new year of Awana on August 8, and this was the group that attended on the second week, August 15. We had about thirty active young ones. Brenda and Rod with Billy Ridgway and Barbara Porter are the leaders for the Second Grade group.
 | On August 16, Brenda and Rod joined the "Happy Hearts" group from MFBC for a trip to the Dickey Farms peach center in Musella, GA below Forsyth. There were about 28 of us, requiring our bus, van and one car. Ricky Ridgway drove the bus, which we rode, and Bud Durand drove the van. |
This is a real peach farm and processing center dating back to 1897. Being late in the season and with a low peach crop this year, the sophisticated peach-handling network was not running, but it was an impressive system. |  |
2018 |