Georgia Tech BSU Reunion at Hiawassee
Apr 9-12, 2010
The Georgia Tech Baptist Student Union group from the 50's and 60's (in the Warren Woolf era) gathered at the lodge in Hiawassee for our fourth large reunion gathering. We had previously gathered in 2000, 2005 and 2007.
A spring bouquet of thanks to Frank and Babs Gudger for organizing and doing so much of the preparation for the event. It was a beautiful gathering and we had a wonderful place and wonderful weather in which to enjoy it.  |
The common denominator in this bond that has lasted over fifty years is our love for Warren and Sue Woolf. |
Curtis Martin back left, Suzanne and John Lowe, Babs and Frank Gudger, Gene and Jo Allison. |
Ron and Linda Jones back left, Dick and Elaine Whisnant in front of them. Then Hill and Cheryl Hammock back center with Mildred Petty in front of them. Judy and Tommy Bonds right front with Billy Nowell behind them. |
Bill and Janet Delk front left with Jerry and Bonner Orr behind them and Otis and Nancy Blake in back. Jack and Valjean Aycock front right. Gil Gibson behind Jack and Laddie Rollins right back. |
Rudy and June Matzner, Bob and Mildred Petty |
Left Bill Miller, then Alice Blake (Andy's wife) with Bill Tate behind her. Next Tom and Nancy Jones with Janice Lynch in front. Next in back, Sam Shelton, then Andy Blake, Leland Strange with Otis Blake extreme right. In front of Sam and Leland is Nancy Bonds. Henry Todd is to the right of Nancy with wife Bessie in front. |
Joe and Janice Lynch seated. From left, Brenda Nave, Duncan Sinclair, Butch Henderson in back with Nancy and John Baxley in front of him, then Bill Miller with Bill Tate behind him. Alice Blake is to the right of Bill and Tom and Nancy Jones are extreme right. |
2010 |