Georgia Tech BSU - Sunday Gatherings
Apr 11, 2010
In the inspiring setting of Lake Chatuge and the mountains around Hiawassee, we had gathered for a Georgia Tech BSU reunion. We were enjoying the Hiawassee springtime, but the main attraction was the fellowship with one another. |
The main events of this reunion were sheduled for Sunday and Monday, so we enjoyed seeing those who arrived during the day on Sunday. Here Laddie Rollins with Jane Carter and Mary Gellerstedt in the kitchen of our gathering room. We celebrated with the Saturday arrivals yesterday, and now again with those who arrived today. |
Tom Durrett with Bill and Janet Delk. |
Bob Petty, Bill Tate, and Curtis Martin gather in view of the Master's Tournament that was going on in Augusta. |
Bill Miller arrives from California and joins Bill Nowell, John Lowe, and Ron Jones who had been part of yesterday's gathering. |
Cheryl Hammock, Alice and Andy Blake, and Hill Hammock. Andy preceded us at Georgia Tech and Hill was a few years after. |
New friends for us from the later 60's - Rod and Stephanie Ingraham in center with Frank and Babs Gudger right. |
We had a special reason to celebrate with John and Nancy Baxley. They had just returned from attending the First Baptist Church of Athens where their son Paul was preaching in view of a call as pastor. Brenda, Bill Nowell and Bill Miller were examining the church bulletin produced for that occasion.
Sam Shelton arrives and joins the kitchen group with Bill and Janet Delk, Tom Durrett, and Laddie Rollins. |
Butch Henderson made it in from Knoxville and visits with Bill Nowell and the Lowes. |
Bill Nowell, Nancy Bonds, Brenda Nave, Babs Gudger, John Baxley. |
Rod and Brenda Nave, Leland Strange, Sam Shelton, Hill and Cheryl Hammock. |
 | Warren and Sue Woolf arrive and are greeted joyfully by all!
Actually, they were pretty well mobbed at the door, but we finally let them in the room. This particular mob includes R B Coulter, Leland Strange, Brenda Nave, Suzanne Lowe, with John Baxley in the back. |
Sue with Tommy and Judy Bonds. |
 | Maybe the above is a better portrait, but I kind of like the more impromptu shot at left of this crazy group. Ron and Linda Jones, R B Coulter, Nancy Bonds, John and Nancy Baxley. |
Spontaniety was the order of the day, with one group watching the Masters and others in casual conversation groups.
We spread out all over the big meeting room with all kinds of interactions.
The porch group enjoying a view with their conversations.
On Sunday evening was our largest gathering with a cookout provided by the restaurant next door : hamburgers and hotdogs and all the trimmings. It was a relaxed fun time of fellowship.
2010 |