Visit with Charles and Wanda
May 10-16, 2007
After the trip to the Davis home, we settled in to record some of Charles and Wanda's experiences as missionaries in Colombia, Paraguay, and Argentina.
Charles had been invited to preach to the Iglesia Hispanol on May 13, so we prepared to go to Sunday School. They went to our Sunday School class, so we thought it would be a good opportunity for Charles to share some of the stories from South America that he had been sharing with us. We did it like an interview so that I could prompt him to tell the stories that had impacted me when he was sharing as we were taping. The class received it very well and hung around to ask questions as long as they could. I got lots of positive comment from them later.
Charles and Wanda were able to talk with a number of the members of the Hispanic congregation. Brenda and I enjoyed the service - I could understand a good bit of what Charles said, and the people seemed to respond well to the service.
| We were pleased that Mark could get loose to come out for lunch. He hadn't seen Charles and Wanda since we were in Oregon in 1989. |
We visited Mark's shop, and Charles is checking out the tail structure of a 40 ft pirate ship that Mark is building for a corporate meeting.
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| Mark shows Charles the concept images he had to start the design of the ship. |
We kept Wanda and Charles pretty busy with taping on Sunday evening and Monday. On Monday night we invited Joe for dinner - a young man who lives in Dallas, GA and who had worked with Charles and Wanda two summers in Nogales, Arizona.
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| We had an enjoyable evening of remembrances of the work in Nogales and elsewhere.  |
We drove to North Georgia to the Bent Tree house on Tuesday the 15th since they had never been there.
| I went out back of the house, in the vicinity of the great poplar tree, to look for wildflowers. There had been a transition from the yellow violets to the white violets, but I couldn't find any bloodroot flowers - just missed them this year.  |
We had lunch at the house, just enjoying the quiet world of Bent Tree.
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We drove down to Bent Tree's Lake Tamarack and took our turns in the swing, in view of the lake lined with mountain laurel in bloom.
| This was the most luxurious blooming of the mountain laurel that we have seen in many years. It lined the lake and the roads. |
We drove on around the loop across the dam to get the view of Lake Tamarack and the mountains from there, and drove back along mountain laurel-lined roads to the house.
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We went back to spend a little time at the house because I enjoy the approach of sunset from there, with the western sun bathing us in luminous green in the deep woods. The next day Charles and Wanda launched off back to California. We felt very priviliged to have gotten in so much sharing time about their experiences in South America, stories of God having changed not only individuals like the leader of a robber band in Colombia but whole communities like the new community of homesteaders in Paraguay. Those powerful stories will certainly stay with us, and we hope to find an effective way to preserve and share them.
2007 |