Hobsons in Colombia
The Hobsons were assigned to Bogota, Colombia and went there in the fall of 1964 after a year in language school in Costa Rica. They served there until June of 1968 when they came back to the US for their first furlough.
Wanda helping out in the Libraria Bautista (Baptist Bookstore) in Bogota. Managing the bookstore was one of Charles' duties there.
 | Charles with Alfonso Garcon |
Wanda playing a small keyboard for singing at the church in Facatativa'. Alfonso is in the doorway. |  |
 | Charles preaching, Wanda at keyboard. |
Charles on hood of Landrover, Wanda inside. Rocks from the road broke the windshield, so they had to pick out the glass pieces. Later, Wanda remembers that it started raining and water and bugs came in the open windshield. This was out in the Llanos, the great plains of Colombia. |  |
Charles with congregation on riverbank, preparing for baptism.
Charles in river for baptismal service.
Wanda and children on runway. They were on their way for a vacation to Laticia on the Amazon River. With them was their dentist, Dr. Nicolas, and his fiance'. The fiance's father owned a shipping company and took Charles on a trip down the Amazon River. The man in the khaki is the pilot.
Wanda standing on a barge with Mary, Becky, Danny and Stephen. This is on the Amazon River, 1000 miles from its mouth, and it is still a huge river. Nearby, two U.S. destroyers were moored, having made it 1000 miles up the river. The generator's supplied the electricity for the small town on the Amazon.
| We heard a lot of stories about Colombia, but I don't remember hearing about Wanda handling alligators!  |
This is just going too far! Wanda handling alligators is beyond the call of duty, even for missionaries. But getting the four kids involved in handling a 20 foot snake is too much! The man on the right end got the snake from the river. The snake was wrapping its tail around lady near the left, so she got her children to hole the extreme tail end.
 | Wanda with all five kids on what appears to be a dam. |
Charles and Wanda with a group that has obviously had a good day of fishing! This was in Barranquilla. The man was Dr. Breeden and his wife, and the lady on the left was Arleen Rogers, a nurse. Wanda tells us that Arleen drove a Volkswagen. On one occasion she had her purse on the seat beside her and her window open. A thief ran up and grabbed her purse. Grabbing her keys, she ran in pursuit and grabbed the thief by the collar and got back her purse. |  |
 | This photo has Charles walking across a field with a Bible under one arm and a 12-gauge shotgun in the other hand. Danny Hobson tells me this is his favorite picture and suggests the caption "I'm going to convert them one way or the other!" Charles' quip was "I never had any problem in business meetings!" |
But Danny supplied the other details that Charles was an avid bird hunter, and never wanted to miss an opportunity for some bird hunting.
Charles in a hammock. Hmm! This missionary life may not be so tough after all. But remember Wanda's alligator wrestling and snake handling above. |  |
 | Charles and critter. |
Charles's "Adios, amigos!" photo.
1964 |