Fall Awana at MFBC
September 6, 2023
 | Our opening recreational exercise for this session was building. They could choose a building kit from the closet off our new meeting room. Leaders Gail Wade, Lorraine Shaw, Barbara Porter, Ricky Ridgway and Becky Ridgway watch and encourage. |
The Awanas continue to work well on scripture memorization. We had a good group of awards with three for Sparks and two for T&T. | 
September 13, 2023
 | We had a small group of Sparks on this evening, and Becky took us through the Bible verses associated with the letters of SPARKS. |
September 20, 2023
We start with an activity time for the boys and girls, and this week the activity was a variety of building sets. | 
 | Other awanas joined as they arrived, and leaders observed and interacted with them. Theresa Lamb and Lorraine Shaw observe. |
Other students arrive and new teams are formed. It seems to be an enjoyable time for them. | 
 | We are delighted to have several Hispanic children attending and enjoying Awana. |
This was a great night for awards as the children had been working hard on memorizing and reciting verses from the Bible. Four Sparks students and three Truth and Training students received awards.
After the opening ceremony, snacks are provided and the students proceed to their assigned rooms. This is the Grade 2 group with leader Barbara Porter along with Rod Nave and Jennifer Bentley. | 
 | After the individual grade groups, we gather for the Sparks large group led by Becky. We are reviewing the scriptures associated with the letters of SPARKS. |
For remaining time we usually have a scripture handout to color or respond to. | 
October 4, 2023
 | This week's opening exercise was puzzles, some of which produced a recognizable shape. |
From animals and birds to books of the Bible, they seemed to enjoy the puzzles. | 
 | Johnny Huffman calls us to order for a student to lead the pledges to the Flag, Awana, and the Bible, and then the Awana response reading. |
We were proud to present scripture memory awards to one Spark and one Truth and Training student. | 
October 11, 2023
 | The opening exercise this night was a Thanksgiving theme bingo called by Theresa Lamb. |
The Awana kids all seemed to enjoy the symbols of Thanksgiving on their cards. | 
 | Proud of her award for Scripture memory and recitation. |
The large group gathering for Bible material led by Elaine Ridgway. | 
October 18, 2023
 | Back to building things in the opening exercise - one of their favorites. |
Awards for learning and saying their Bible verses. | 
October 25, 2023
 | A special recognition for the level of achievement that Ally has reached. |
We have a photo on the wall with the question "Can anyone beat Lonnie" (Ally's brother). So we celebrated this time when she has matched Lonnie! | 
 | This was a great night of celebration of the Awana boys and girls work in learning verses from the Bible. Four Sparks and three Truth and Training students were honored. |
After the opening ceremony and awards time, the children line up for snacks which they take to their individual group rooms. | 
 | For the large group time for Sparks, we studied some scriptures which the students held up on cards. |
November 1, 2023
Two of the students in Truth and Training were recognized with awards for scripture memory. | 
November 8, 2023
 | Becky Ridgway calls us to order for the pledges to be led by one of the Awana students. This shows the Awana response part. |
The three winners of the perfect attendance awards since this years beginning in August. | 
 | This adds the two Awanas as runner ups in attendance with just one absence. |
This adds four more Awanas for second runner-ups, having missed only two sessions. | 
 | This was a great night for advancements, with five Sparks students receiving awards. |
November 15, 2023
We had one Sparks and one T&T award for scripture learning for this session. | 
 | The large group session tonight included a video about giving thanks as we approach Thanksgiving. |
November 29, 2023
Our opening exercise this evening was for the Awanas to make decorations to take home. | 
 | Then after snacks we gave out Bible learning awards. There were four awards to Sparks. |
There was a special recognition for Ally, who had set a new record for T&T patches, beating by one the record set by her brother. | 
 | There were four awards for T&T Awanas, making it an outstanding night of achievement for the entire Awana group. |
Then we prepared to go to the Sanctuary for a preview and plans for next week's Stories and Songs special program. | 
December 13, 2023
 | Tonight was a special Christmas celebration session, being our last meeting of the year. We started with special coloring sheets for the
Awana boys and girls. |
The Awanas had been encouraged to wear Christmas costumes and to make decorations for home. | 
 | Snacktime was special, too. |
After snacks we all gathered in a large group for a Christmas devotional and then game and gift time. | 
 | Each Awana was given a bag with a number on it. When their number was called, they went to the table and chose a cup with a gift under it. Some had special directions to the back table with larger gifts. |
Everyone seemed to have great fun with this sack-and-gift-cup process. | 
 | We moved to a game time with an antler-toss game that had been brought by two of the Awanas.
The Awanas and the leaders seemed to have great fun with the gift time and game time. We look forward to being together again for Awana in the new year! Tony Mode, Elaine Ridgway and Jennifer Bentley help organize the game. | 
2023 |