Winter Awana at MFBC
January 10, 2024
 | For our first Awana session of 2024 we had a sizable group and Becky met with all of us to start a Bible reading emphasis. She had made up daily Bible reading sheets for the students to take home. |
We had two T&T and two Sparks students who had earned awards before the Christmas break. | 
January 17, 2024
 | We usually start the Awana session with an activity, and tonight is puzzle night. These three are assembling a colorful underwater photo puzzle. |
These sisters have come up with their own game for the activity period. | 
 | We had two awards tonight for Sparks Awanas for scripture memorization. |
January 24, 2024
There was one T&T achievement award this evening. | 
 | There were four Sparks achievement awards for this session. |
January 31, 2024
The beginning activity for tonight was assembly of wooden puzzles, mostly of animals and birds. | 
 | The Awana students enjoyed assembling the animal shapes. |
The two Sparks achievement awards this evening were to sisters! | 
February 7, 2024
 | This was a special night of service for the Awanas. We asked them to make Valentines with their signature to send to the shut-in members of our church. Many are in nursing homes or other facilities. |
The boys and girls jumped into the valentine-making task with enthusiasm. Laura Mode helps out with the process. | 
 | Lorraine Shaw and Laura Mode help make sure these enthusiastic valentine makers have the supplies they need. |
It was inspiring to see the effort of the boys and girls as they made colorful valentines for mailing to the shut-ins. | 
 | Colorful valentines were made for many shut-ins, and Becky collected them to put in the mail to reach them by Valentine's Day. |
Two of our younger Sparks Awanas received awards for scripture memorization. | 
 | Ally received special recognition for setting a new record for achievements as a T&T Awana! |
We were very proud of the work our Awana students had made since Christmas in their advancements in reading and learning scripture. That led to this large group of achievement awards on this night.
After the achievements and their night of service tonight, it was appropriate that we had special treats at snack time. | 
February 14, 2024
On Valentine's Day our opening activity was Valentine bingo. We had several new boys and girls and Laura Mode helped the youngest ones. Becky called the bingo and leaders Barbara Porter, Lorraine Shaw, Ricky Ridgway and Tony Mode observed.
 | We recognized the three Awana students with the best attendance since the first of the Awana year in the Fall. |
We start the learning segment of each Awana meeting with the three pledges. Johnny Huffman introduces the student who leads the pledges. | 
 | Recognizing achievement in scripture learning is part of each opening ceremony. We had one Spark student and two T&T students who had earned awards. |
February 28, 2024
The beginning activity tonight was "building", which the boys and girls always enjoy. | 
 | An Awana student leads the pledges and then the Awaba cheer "The first goal of Awana is ..? |
Awana students recognized for Bible reading. | 
 | We sing Happy Birthday! to two Awanas. |
Awards for Scripture memorization to one T&T student and two Sparks. | 
March 6, 2024
 | Whatever the question was, it looks like Becky got a strong response. |
Time to sing Happy Birthday to an Awana. | 
 | This Spark Awana gets an award and is joined by the guest friend that she brought to Awana. |
March 13, 2024
On this evening we started with the awards. A great night with three
Sparks and three T&T awards for Scripture learning. | 
 | Now we do the pledge to the United States flag, the Awana flag, and the Bible. |
March 20, 2024
An enthusiastic group of Awanas enjoy the opening exercise with our building games.Barbara Porter enjoys watching. | 
 | These two are building pathways for a marble roll. |
This group has quite a pathway for a marble to roll! | 
 | Adult leaders Lorraine Shaw, Laura Mode, Tony Mode, and Ricky Ridgway are entertained by the enthusiastic builders. |
After our pledges to the flags and the Bible, it is time to give advancements. Red vests for Sparks and green shirts for T&T are on the table. | 
 | A great night for Sparks advancement with five Sparks Awanas earning awards for Scripture learning. |
One T&T Awana earned an advancement and proudly joined the Sparks. | 
 | It's time for Sparks large group with Ms Becky teaching about Jesus' crucifixion as we approach Easter. |
The Sparks line up to repeat something from the lesson to get a coloring sheet about what the Bible teaches. | 
2024 |