Georgia Baptist College of Nursing Reunion
October 21, 2022
We drove to the Mercer Atlanta campus to join the morning meeting and lunch with the Georgia Baptist College of Nursing, an annual event. This meeting was in the College of Nursing building.
 | We went to the 3rd floor meeting room and joined Peggy Cooper there. |
This is always a great time of fellowhip for Brenda, and I am always pleased to see the joy of their interactions. We were soon joined by Julie Braddy from the class of 1976 and they enjoyed visiting with each other.
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 | Dare Domico made an excellent presentation on the history of the College of Nursing. Brenda went up to greet her afterward and they had a hug and an enthusiastic greeting. |
Abby Holcombe helped with the introductions and with the question and answer session afterward. Abby is the President-elect for the Alumni Association. |  |  |
 | We got to visit with Claudia Waters at that meeting. |
We visited with Dee Keeton from the 1982 class. Brenda worked with her on the Alumni Board. She is still currently a member of the Board. | |
 | We proceeded to the nice luncheon and the award ceremony. Peggy Cooper was inducted into the Hall of Honor for Excellence in Mentoring. She was also celebrating with the 50th Anniversary Class of 1972. |
The awardees for this year included the Distinguished Alumna award, the Edna Earle Teal award, the Young Alumnus Award, plus 10 alumni being inducted into the Hall of Honor.
Brenda with Sarah Huddleston, who was a 1949 graduate of the Georgia Baptist School of Nursing. | |
 | We got to see LaMae Williams again at this years reunion. LaMae is from the class of 1971. LaMae is a member of the GBCN Board of Visitors. |
Jeanne Gaberdiel Reagan with Brenda | |
 | Brenda with Cindy Adams. Cindy is in the 50th Anniversary class. |
Brenda with ValJean Aycock and Edie Fox. They were the three persons present from the 1962 60th Anniversary class. | |
The room was busy with greetings and conversations after the awards and business session. We were pleased to get Valjean Aycock, Edie Fox, and Brenda together, representing the Class of 1962 for their 60 year reunion. Valjean's daughter had driven her up from Florida and was flying back, while Jack Aycock had flown in and they would drive back to Florida after visiting Alabama. In the background, Peggy Cooper is visiting with Mrs Hancock, and numerous other groupings were enjoying the fellowship.
Valjean Aycock, Edie Fox, Brenda Nave and LaMae Williams visit. It was a remarkable celebration of longtime friendships. The whole room was celebrating. | |
 | I wanted to get a picture of Brenda with Abby Holcombe, who had just been awarded the Edna Earle Teal Award. Brenda had been awarded the Teal award in 1988. |
The current group of officers of the Alumni Organization gather for this lovely photo. ..., Dare Domico, Dee Keeton, Linda Barber, Abby Holcombe, Blair Weiksner, Karen Pugmire, Victoria Collins, Janet Starr.
Despite my efforts to stay behind the camera, we were talked into this photo. I was proud to see Brenda enjoying the fellowship so much. | |
 | Brenda enjoyed getting togetherr again with Julie Sampey Braddy. Julie was the first nurse that Brenda hired for the Discharge Planning department after Johnnie Forgay retired and Brenda became the Director. |
Brenda with Janet Starr, class of 1966. Brenda and Janet served on the Alumni Board together and Janet is still serving. | |
 | Brenda with Paul McClendon, Director of Development for the Georgia Baptist College of Nursing. He assumed the position after the long service of Jenny McCurdy. |
We got together again with Claudia Waters near the end of the gathering. We knew Claudia from BSU activities as well as in nursing. | |
 | Cindy Adams 1972, Jeannie Gaberdiel Reagan 1972, Brenda Nave 1962, Linda Daniels 1971. |
Brenda with | |
 | Brenda with Charles Griffin and Rose Ide, 2016. Charles and his late wife Merle are longtime friends, and Merle served on the Alumni Board with Brenda for years. Charles and Merle assisted Rose with her nursing education at GBCN, and she is now assisting him. |
Brenda with Shirley Rawlins, Jenny McCurdy, Karen Pugmire 1990. It was hard to leave this wonderful gathering, and we were some of the last. Karen was this years President of the Alumni Board. | |
2022 |