MFBC Helps with Fall Celebration at Mableton Elementary School
October 28, 2022
Continuing our support and encouragement of the Mableton Elementary School program, several members of Mableton First Baptist Church joined to help in their fall celebration. We contributed ten "Trunk or Treat" decorated vehicles to entertain and hand out candy. We also took our popcorn machine and our ice grinder for making flavored snowcones.
This is a tour of our decorated "trunks" starting at the north end on one side and circling around to the other side to return.
 | Barbara Floyd with her colorful decorated trunk. She is joined by Ally Reyes. |
 | These three children seemed quite fascinated with Wanda Willey's skeleton costume and decorated trunk. |
Wanda collects a group with varied costumes. | |
 | Roger and Brenda Speight provide treats for those who passed by. |
 | Melissa Little greets some of our Awana children and their families. Melissa, Greg and Cylus host their trunk. |
The Little family continues to provide treats to a variety of costumed visitors. | |
 | Amber and Rico Stiefel had maybe the most outstanding costumes. |
Amber and Rico handing out treats. | |
 | Amber and Rico giving out treats. |
 | Barbara Mewborn with her trunk and Xander and Ally Reyes. |
 | Peter and Danielle Thompson enjoying the children who visited their trunk. They received the golden pumpkin award for the most outstanding decorated trunk. |
Near the end of the event when the light was falling was an appropriate time to bring out the light saber. |  |
 | Marina Thompson with a pink theme that even included a pink baseball bat! |
Marina gives treats to a little one. |  |
 | Marina with gifts for this lovely family from our Awana program. |
 | Elaine and Billy Ridgway set up their "Halo Toss" game across the driveway from our church's setup of our popcorn and snowcone concession. |
Elaine watches the halo toss by one of the lovely Spanish children from our Awana program. |  |
This shows three of our Trunk or Treat stations at one end of the row.
One of the absolutely delightful things about this celebration was seeing the children experiencing it. This family was enjoying the occasion together, and that was a treasure to all of us.
2022 |