To Charlotte for NCCA and Ratio Christi
October 16-18, 2015
Leaving the GBCN Alumni Day about 3pm, we drove to Charlotte for the National Conference on Christian Apologetics. When we reached Calvary Church where the Conference was held, we were greeted with this spectacular sunset. Though we had missed the Friday day sessions, we arrived in time for the evening sessions.
In the huge auditorium with its spectacular organ, we took in a session on ancient manuscripts. The classic organ contrasts with the trio of high-tech line-array speakers suspended from the ceiling in front of it. |
On Saturday morning, October 17 we attended Hugh Ross' talk in the main auditorium. I won't attempt to summarize the presentations we attended - there is just too much!
We visited the RTB table with Colin and Tracy Green. Besides the four of us, Ben and Duran Smith were present at both the NCCA and Ratio Christi conferences. Mark Tabladillo attended the NCCA. Richard Howe made presentations at both the conferences and had an article in the NCCA program as well. |
We had a fruitful day and then joined Mary and John Keefe at the Waldhorn restaurant for dinner and then they came by our room for a visit. We very much enjoyed the time with them.
On Sunday morning, October 18, we went over to the Heritage Center in SC for the Ratio Christi conference. |
2015 |