A Sunday of Celebration
August 29, 2010
| This morning we celebrated the baptism of Rob Martin in the worship service. We took extra precautions because Rob has balance issues from the treatments he has had for a brain tumor, so Billy Ridgway assisted Pastor Stephen Byrd in the water, and Ricky Ridgway helped provide a safe exit. Rob is strong, and everything went well. We all praised the Lord for this event and welcomed Rob and Faye as members of our church.
Since I was out of the choir to take pictures of the baptism, I took the opportunity to snap a few pictures of the choir before rejoining it. |  |
| The choir and praise team lead in worship. |
Aaron Brookshire on bass, Bob Shaw on guitar and Evan Baker on percussion with the choir behind them. |  |
| The praise team leads congregational singing after the choir came down to the congregation. Rhonda Short, Mike Anderson, Bud Durand and Kim Smith. |
2010 |