Grandparent Trip to Pearl River
September 9, 2010
  | Grandparents Day was scheduled at Little Pearl School in Pearl River where Elyse attends kindergarten. There was an indication that she might like for us to come down, so off to Pearl River!  We had been hearing about what a wonderful experience Kindergarten had been for Elyse. Aunt Diane is her teacher, she gets to ride the bus with her cousins -- life is good! Cousin Caleb would leave her notes or treats for her to find when she got to school. She was so delighted with the first week of school that she was disappointed when Saturday came and she couldn't go to Kindergarten! We had to find a way to be part of that excitement.
We drove down on Thursday, September 9, and got there in time to meet Elyse's schoolbus when she came home from school. In this smaller community, there are lots of connections - Elyse's schoolbus driver, Mrs Erica, is married to a guy who went to school with Darla. We enjoyed meeting Elyse as she got off the but and had just gotten her to the house when we had a hard downpour!
 We drove to Little Pearl Elementary and joined the crowd of grandparents and other family members who had come for this special day.  | Elyse was up and ready to go to school the next morning on Grandparents Day. She was going to ride the bus to school and Grandma Brenda and Granddad Rod were going to meet her there.  We join Elyse in the cafeteria for breakfast. Elyse shows Grandma Brenda their handwashing station in the cafeteria and then we proceed to get muffins and milk to have breakfast with her. |
We moved to the gymnasium where all the students gather each morning for group meeting. | They pledge to the flag, and Elyse says they usually have a story.  |
Elyse's class, under the direction of her teacher, Aunt Diane Wells, got lined up to leave for their classroom after the morning meeting. The gym was packed with all the grandparents and family members as well as the children on this special day.
Diane leads her class single-file down the hall toward their classroom, with Elyse bringing up the rear since Granddad and Grandma were tagging along. Diane invited us to see the classroom since we were from out of town.
 | Diane stays at the classroom door to welcome and greet each child as they come in. |
The children come into the classroom, and seem to know what to do after the three weeks or so they have been in kindergarten. They begin to take out of their packs the things they need for the day. The classroom is visually rich with all kinds of learning aids. Diane seems to be in her element, and the children seem to feel welcomed and comfortable.
 | Elyse and a couple of her classmates store their backpacks after getting out the items needed for the day. |
The classroom was very active, but in a very few minutes under Diane's direction, they had their materials and were settling in at their places. | |
 | Elyse was happily settled in at her place, so we slipped quietly out as Diane began to sing a little song designed to get each child in place and quiet to begin the day. We felt very priviliged to have gotten this look at the school and environment with which Elyse is so happy at this stage in her life. |
In the evening Elyse and Jordan dressed up in their early American style, reminiscent of our trip to Williamsburg and their stories of American colonial times in their American Girl stories. We saw both of those hats at Williamsburg. | |
2010 |