Christmas Eve in Pearl River
 | We drove down to visit with Jeff and family, now enlarged by a rabbit and a bird.  |
Ashleigh and Jordan are very athletic and adventurous on their fine swing set. The feeding and care of the rabbit and bird are part of Ashleigh's and Jordan's daily chores.
Since the weather was mild, Jeff and Darla set up their Christmas tree on the back porch. Elyse was very fascinated by it.
 | Jordan and Ashleigh were busy painting ornaments for the tree. |
Rod thoroughly enjoyed playing with Elyse. She was good-natured and seemed to enjoy nearly everything.
 |  Darla dressed the girls in matching Christmas outfits that she had made for them. |
We went to the Christmas Eve service at Peace Luthern with the Moyles, and then to one at First Presbyterian. Northshore Church is meeting in the family life center of First Presbyterian, and they decided to have a joint Christmas Eve service. Jeff represented Northshore in taking part in the leadership of the service with the pastor of First Presbyterian.