Christmas in Pearl River
 | The first item on the agenda on Christmas morning is the family reading of the Christmas story from the gospel of Luke. |
Ashleigh and Jordan get to see what is in their stockings from the fireplace. Then they get to open some presents from under the tree on the porch. Brenda had placed the gifts from Aunt Sherry and Aunt Denise there. |  |
| Jordan and Ashleigh love movies, so DVD movies in their stockings elicited squeals of delight! |
Granddad Rod couldn't resist just getting down in the floor with the girls and their gifts. |  |
| Ashleigh and Jordan had made gifts for Dad and Mom in their painting and drawing and crafts. |
| Elyse enjoyed everything and plunged right in with Ashleigh and Jordan.  |
Ashleigh's and Jordan's bears got new accessories for Christmas, and the girls were like proud parents. |  |
On Christmas morning, we let the girls open gifts from our family and let the girls have their stockings before going over to Diane and Robbie's for this year's Moyle family gathering.
Gathered by the fireplace at Diane and Robbie's. Back L-R: Ashleigh, Jeff Nave, Lindsey, Judy, Caleb, Dave, Jeff Moyle, Robbie. Front: Elyse, Darla, Jordan, Leslie with Bethany, Diane.
| After a very active morning, Elyse just relaxes with Dad in the afternoon. |
Bethany had a toy phone/camera and she went around pretending to take a picture of everyone. We used that as an excuse to get together most of the family for another picture at the fireplace.
2005 |