Visit In Birmingham
December 16-17
The December Graduation for New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary was held in Birmingham this year, and this gave us an opportunity to drive over and see Jeff and family.
With reindeer headpieces and Santa Claus hats, Grandma Brenda got right into the Christmas spirit with Ashleigh and Jordan.
We felt fortunate to get a suite of two adjoining rooms, making it convenient for us to interact with the girls, handle naps for Elyse, etc. We are listening to Ashleigh read - she is an incredible reader. I tell them she is better than some of my University students.
 |  Elyse has mastered the crawling, and pulled up on everything to investigate. |
 | Jordan spent a lot of time playing with Elyse, much to Elyse's delight.  Elyse reaches for the nativity scene. Some things have to be kept out of reach!" |
Ashleigh holds Elyse, but she had better watch out! Elyse has her eye on Ashleigh's reindeer headpiece.  | |
 |  Elyse would take off for four or five steps, so she has crossed the threshold of walking alone! |
As dramatic a development as Elyse's walking was, in my view it was not the greatest change in her since our last visit. She had made a great leap to playfulness. The last time she was a baby, now she was a playful little girl. I would bounce her on my knee, and when I stopped, she would bounce up and down to get me to do it again. And I spent several minutes tossing a soft pillow to her. She would pick it up and toss it back and laugh. It was delightful.
 | Jeff and Darla are off to the reception for graduates and the Christmas Banquet for NOBTS. This is what gave us the excuse to come over and spend time spoiling the girls. Elyse went off to sleep and we sat and watched Polar Express on DVD with Ashleigh and Jordan. A nice time was had by all. The evening was relaxed and after the movie, we said prayers with them and put them to bed. |
Saturday, December 17.Before we headed back to Atlanta and they to Pearl River, we went to the Macaroni Grill for a belated celebration of Jeff and Darla's anniversary. With the business of August and the arrival of Katrina, they hadn't had much time for celebration.

Elyse's laughing with Grandma Brenda is an example of her greater range of personality this trip - it was delightful to us.
2005 |