At Pompano Beach, Florida
August 6, 2002
Jordan liked the pool after her swimming lessons this summer. She was very good at holding her breath to go under. She kept saying "Granddad, I want to touch the bottom with my feet! And as soon as Rod would take her down, she would say "I want to do it again!"
After an active morning at the beach and pool, the family settled down to watch some TV. The subject of this profound concentration was an old episode of "The Simpsons".
Jordan is concentrating so hard, she has to get her tongue into the act! |
Jordan's Birthday!
Jordan is three years old today, so we had a party! She seems mesmerized by the candles, but really she is just sleepy. The day has been so active that she was just tuckered out and took a long nap. We had to wake her up for her party.
Darla had made and decorated the cake for Jordan, and we all enjoyed cake and ice cream with her.
We had stashed the presents in our bedroom, so Ashleigh helped to bring them in to the birthday girl. A big stuffed "Clifford, the big red dog" seemed appropriate since we had been watching Clifford videos and reading Clifford books all week.
Another present was a birthday bear, and by now Jordan was wide awake and enjoying things.
After the birthday bear came more Clifford books. Jordan was now full swing into the celebration.
Pompano week overview
2002 |