At Pompano Beach, Florida
August 6, 2002
We wound down our birthday party for Jordan and prepared for the next adventure: the animal show put on for the children by the resort. Jordan has on her pink hat and is ready to go.
The birthday girl got to hold the big snake, which was very cooperative. The animal show was held in the lobby of the resort.
Ashleigh also got to hold the big snake.
The albino raccoon was neat. The tiny fenec fox is from the North African desert, and the panther is supposedly a Florida panther. They also had a lemur and a monkey, but we didn't get reasonable images of those.
Yesterday was Jeff and Darla's wedding anniversary, so we kept the girls for them to go out to dinner to celebrate. They enjoyed playing with Clifford and hearing stories, so we had a good time.
Pompano week overview
2002 |