Vesuvianite is a silicate mineral with the composition Ca19Fe(Mg,Al)8Al4(SiO4)10(Si2O7)4(OH)10. It contains 6 of the big 8 elements of the Earth's surface. The sample at far left is about 2.5x5 cm and is from Jeffrey mine, Asbestos, Quebec, Canada. The sample near left is about 2x3 cm and is from Eden Hills, Vermont. These samples are displayed in the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History.
| The vesuvianite sample at left is about 7x10 cm and is from Lake Jaco, Chihuahua, Mexico. The sample below is about 4x2 cm and is from Eden Hills, Vermont.
The vesuvianite sample at right is about 5x7 cm and is from Sanford, Maine. The sample below is described as brown vesuvianite with blue calcite. It is about 6 cm wide. It is from Crestmore, California and identified as being from the Cretacious period. |
| This sample is described as vesuvianite with bustamite and grossular. It is about 8x16 cm and is from Franklin, New Jersey.
Mindat: Vesuvianite

Wiluite is a silicate mineral with the composition Ca19(Al,Mg,Fe,Ti)13(B,Al)3Si18O68(OH,F,O)10. It contains 6 of the big 8 elements of the Earth's surface plus titanium , boron and fluorine . This sample is about 8x11 cm and is from Viluy and Akhtaragda Rivers, Chernyshevskiy, Yakutia, Russia.
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