Rod to Washington, DC
October 2-4, 1998
Rod was sent to Washington as the representative for the Physics and Astronomy Department at Georgia State University at a national conference called the Physics Revitalization Conference. The conference was held at the headquarters of the American Physical Society at 1 Physics Ellipse in College Park, Maryland. The conference sought strategies for broadening physics programs to serve needs in industry, education and medicine for example. Rod had developed initiatives in both the education field with his Conceptual Physics summer course and in medicine with his courses for nurses, and in general had been active in new course development. This was the year of the launch of his HyperPhysics site onto the world wide web, so presumably he was sent because of the breadth of his involvements.
Since the meeting was just a one-day meeting, there was not time for sightseeing, but Rod always loves the view of the Earth from above, so he enjoyed snapping some views along the way.
For a one-day meeting in Washington, DC, you leave Atlanta early. The advantage came in the form of a beautiful sunrise view from the air as we left Atlanta. |
This sunrise view of Lake Lanier was rather unique. |
The farm-boy in me always loves to see the shapes and green color of the fields. |
The meandering paths of rivers is something you only get to see from the air. |
A peaceful pattern of fields and river. |
Meanderings large and small. |
Joining a larger body of water as we approach Washington. |
A view of the Capitol as we approach Washington National for a landing. |
The Washington Monument leaves you in no doubt about where you are. There is a feeling of amazement at landing so close to it. |
Now a ground view of the river and the Washington Monument. |
Now on our way to College Park, Maryland and the APS Headquarters for the meeting. This kind of junket to Washington was certainly not typical for me, but I hope I contributed. It was certainly an interesting experience.
1998 |