Visit with Jeff, Darla and Ashleigh
August 14-17, 1998
 | When we picked up Jeff and Darla with Ashleigh at the Airport on August 14, it was immediately evident that Ashleigh had made great strides in development since the July 4 weekend. When we saw them coming off the plane, Ashleigh was looking all around and tracking all kinds of objects. Jeff said their understanding was that she had full visual acuity at this age (5 months). |
 | On Saturday morning, Aug 15, we had the treat of watching Ashleigh in her morning "happy time". She made all kinds of noises and could roll over either way. We had her on a pad in the den. The pictures at left were captured as still frames from the Hi8mm video tape.
 | Playing happily, Ashleigh would lie on her back and put her feet in the air and reach down to play with her feet. Darla said she had just recently discovered her feet like that.
 | Ashleigh seemed a bit uncertain about this bath business, but once she was dressed, she was ready to play. |
August 15, 1998.
We had a great visit through the weekend. We had barbeque on Friday night. On Saturday we kept Ashleight while Jeff, Darla and Marty went to the Varsity for lunch. On Saturday night Mark and Sandi joined us. We watched the movie Contact, and generally settled into our pattern of OD'ing on videos.
Jeff and Darla went to our Sunday School class and to church with us. Everyone enjoyed seeing Ashleigh after church - she was happy and playful. As long as someone is holding her and there are people around, she is usually quite satisfied. On Sunday night Marty came over and we watched a Jackie Chan movie.
On Monday morning we got our last chance to see Ashleigh in her morning happy time.
 | Rod enjoyed carrying her outside - if she was fussy, she generally would calm right down and look around when you carried her outside.  |
 | She seemed fascinated with the leaves of the azalea bushes, and would play with them for several minutes. The small limbs and leaves seemed to be good objects with which to practice her reaching and grabbing coordination. She enjoyed all the activity, even the activity of running the chainsaws to cut down an oak tree in the back yard for the construction of the room. Brenda left about 11 to carry them to the Airport. |
1998 |