RA Trip to Bent Tree
October 4, 1997
We had our pancake breakfast at the church and headed for Bent Tree for fishing. One meaningful thing about this picture is the presence of Doyle Wilhite, who for many years was a strong supporter of the RAs. Remarkably fit, he climbed to the top of Big Stump Mountain with us when he was 78. He would come to our RA pancake breakfasts, for which I supplied the food, and at some point he would slip me a 20-dollar bill to help pay for the breakfast. He lived to age 92.
 | RA Leaders were Rod, Johnny Huffman shown both above and at left, and Stacy Gibson in the picture at left. Other adults at left are Don Glore, Brady , and Doyle. |
The boys got right down to the business of fishing from the dock off the beach. Ben Brady enjoyed the time with his son Benjamin. Don Glore seemed to enjoy interacting with the boys.
We had brought along the fishing tackle in the van, and Johnny had checked to make sure it was all in working order. Stacy Gibson acts as fishing coach.
 | Stacy is an effective coach. This is about the first fish caught. |
Brian York seems right at home here on the fishing dock. |  |
 | Benjamin Brady and Brian Weaver make a fishing team. |
Devin Powell and Adam Massey showcase Devin's enormous bream fish. |  |
 | Another fish brought in. The fishing was good this morning. |
Devin brings in another bream. |  |
Devin brings in another bream. But then he brings in something much larger - someone's whole rod and reel! It must have been down there a long time to collect this much seaweed.
 | A lot of fish were caught, and overall it was a very satisfying afternoon of fishing and fellowship. |
I think you would take this as an affirmation of Brenda's brownies! That was a welcomed part of our RA tradition. |  |
 | At one point, this large flock of Canada geese marched down off the golf course. |
They jumped right in the water and swam past us. |  |
It was a good day for the boys and for us. It is a privilege to be able to give the boys a time out in God's creation.
1997 |