Jeff and Darla's Wedding - Informal Background
August 5, 1994
 | In the excitement of chasing around New Orleans in the VW van, we had totally forgotten about putting gas in it! So when we made yet another trip to the New Orleans Airport to pick up Mark, we ran out of gas driving out of the parking lot of the Airport. |
Rod will have as hard a time living this one down as the bear incident. Fortunately we had plenty of manpower with us and there was a service station in view. We pushed the van more than a quarter mile to the service station. At least New Orleans is very flat! |  |
The rehearsal dinner was held at Augie's Glass Garden Restaurant in New Orleans. We showed a set of slides of pictures of Jeff and Darla year-by-year from their infancy. It was a nice gathering.
 | Dave and Judy Moyle and Darla's grandmother from Naples, Florida sat on Darla's right whil Rod and Brenda sat by Jeff. |
Jeff's family and friends sat at this table. Andy and Sherry at the end of the table. Jeff's friends Shawn Murphy and Don Sandau ushered in the wedding.
This is the table headed by Dave and Judy. At left, Sara Pagones who sang in the wedding along with her husband. At right Kristin and Stan Lewis.
 | David and Wanda York, Steve and Amanda David, Don Sandau, Sherry. |
Wedding Day, August 6
Jeff escorts Darla to the waiting car after the wedding at Williams Boulevard Baptist Church. See wedding pictures for further details. |  |
 | Jeff gets in for the ride to NOBTS for the wedding reception. |
It's unprecedented to get all three of these guys in a tux! The wedding reception was held in the dining area of the NOBTS campus. |  |
Steve Davis, Mark, Jenny Manner, Marty Dye, Bud Durand, Rod.
 | Jeff and Darla at the Reception. Below, the entire wedding party gathered on the lawn outside the reception area. |
 | At left is the building in which the wedding reception was held. Behind the wedding party below are some of the covered walkways of the Seminary campus. |
The wedding party on the lawn of the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. Just behind the wedding party is the walkway to the Chapel shown at right.  |  |
Bride and groom with both sets of parents. Rod and Brenda Nave, Jeff and Darla, Judy and Dave Moyle.
Above are the members of Jeff's family who were present at the wedding. Rod's niece Shirley and her husband Ronnie Howard from Arkansas are at left. Bonnie, Brenda, Jeff and Darla, Rod, Sherry, Mark. Jeff and Darla dance in the reception area. |  |
 |  We launched Jeff and Darla off to Waterton-Glacier National Park in Canada for their honeymoon. |
1994 |