RA Cookout and Fishing at the Payne's
November 1993
 | Looking back, my best guess is that this RA outing was in November of 1993. Jesse and Sara Payne were very gracious in letting the boys come over and fish in the pond by their house. |
This is different from our usual fishing setting at Bent Tree, but as usual, Johnny Huffman was acting as fishing coach and line untangler. |  |
 | Jesse Payne joined us for some fishing from his small dock on the pond. |
The small pond was right beside the Payne house, and had a chain-link fence around it. The bank of the pond inside the fence was narrow, but made a good place to fish and the boys spread around the pond. |  |
 | Johnny and the boys concentrate on their fishing from the bank. |
Michael Weaver and Donde watch as Johnny takes a fish off the hook after a catch. |  |
 | That's a fine fish! And a proud young fisherman! |
This fishing is rather new to these boys. What happens if you stick your finger in its mouth?! |  |
 | Donde gets to hold the fish. Nobody was badly bitten, so I guess it was ok. |
 | Lots of lines and hooks in the water off the bank. In foreground is Daniel Payne. |
Jesse Payne builds a campfire, and all the young ones enjoyed roasting hotdogs. We didn't take the time to clean the fish for this meal. |  |
 | From the looks of Michael, Jesse's fire must have been pretty hot! But the kids weren't giving up on those hotdogs. |
Along with the hotdogs, I can see Sara Payne in the background, providing condiments and other items. Daniel Payne and Jeremy Beasley are back there with her. |  |
 | It was good to see that roasting the hotdogs was a fun time for the boys. |
Brad McDonald and Donde concentrate on their hotdogs. Jesse kept the fire going and seemed to enjoy the whole process himself. |  |
 | The feast after the fishing. |
1993 |