Brenda's AACC Meeting in Las Vegas
September 20-25, 1992
| Brenda is off to Las Vegas for a meeting of the AACC on the corporate jet of ABC Home Health. With her are Elise and Mary Stripling (center), the ABC Home Health Hospital Coordinator. Brenda had been invited to do workshops on "Hospital to Home Health".
It was neat to go out to Peachtree Dekalb Airport and see the sleek corporate jet sitting by the hanger.
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| I got to go inside and look around at the cockpit and the passenger lounge area. It was like a flying RV - it seemed very luxurious to me. It was a smooth flight out, with one refueling stop in Texas.
In Las Vegas, Brenda and Debbie Hutchison attend a national board meeting. Brenda was a Regional Director for AACC for her home region.
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Brenda with some of the other officers from around the country. Pat Hanson is at left. On the back row with Brenda is Lois Pabst from Connecticut.
| Brenda with the crew of the chariot thas was part of the display at the national meeting.
Brenda with Laura Cheney Krause at one of the exhibits.
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| Brenda back left with other officers. Front left is Lucy Palor and front third from left is Kathy Buell, both from the Atlanta area.
Brenda at display with
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1992 |