Brenda to Southeastern Hospical Association Meeting
May 14, 1992
Brenda is off to the swanky "The Peabody" hotel in Orlando for a meeting of the Southeastern Hospital Association. This is a picture in the lobby of the hotel with the signature ducks swimming in the pool of the lobby fountain. We heard that this all started at the Memphis Peabody when a couple of duck hunters returning from Arkansas put their live decoys in the hotel fountain. The hotel picked up the story and made it a theme for their other hotels. There is some believability to it since eastern Arkansas is one of the prime duck hunting areas of the world. Lots of folks from the Newport area, including Ronnie and Bobby, go over to the Blytheville area for duck hunting. So duck hunting is a big deal in east Arkansas.
 | Brenda caught the ducks being given their red carpet treatment as they were taken back up to their penthouse suite for the night after a hard days work in the lobby. |
The ducks are escorted to the elevator by a porter with a fancy duckhead cane and ceremoniously transported to their quarters in the penthouse. On top of the hotel is a duck image. |  |
 | Since she was in Orlando, Brenda got to visit with the Harris's. Annie Harris is holding grandson Jarrett. |
Johnny holds Jarrett after his bath. Below are Annie and Johnny with Jason. Brenda spent Friday night with them before her return. |  |
1992 |