Mt. Reboubt Construction
August 22, 1992
 At right, Warren and Rod nail in an angled wall which will form part of the choir loft. The wall not only was angled on the floor, but also sloped upward on the roof trusses, so we had to cut compound angles to fit the top of the wall. | Rod nails a brace for the wall on the upper floor. We were trying to finish the entrance wall structures for the upper floor so that it could be closed off for use and further work could be done on the lower floor by the people of the church this winter.  |
 | Tracy White invited us to her house for an encore on her fabulous fish dinner of last year. If anything, it was even better! She had baked silver salmon and fried halibut and salmon. |
Sunday, August 23, 1992
Dan and Rachel Cox with Sam and Maggie. Dan has stood by and helped us all the way with the construction and Rachael has brought food and visited with us frequently.  The kids come to the front to sing "Jesus Loves Me". That is a standard part of their morning service. |  |
 | Clumps of white daisies surrounded the church buildings because Barbara Moore collects seed and keeps enlarging the collection of wildflowers around the church buildings. |
After the morning service we had a potluck dinner with the congregation. Nan Weaver, Kathryn Fant, Gene and Jo Allison. Below, Justin Weaver gets an early start.  |  |
The potluck dinner was a good opportunity for talking with the people of the church.
Sue Woolf usually winds up with one of the children in her lap. Alicia Chenault is showing her a drawing she made. Justin Weaver wants to get in on the act with Sue and Alicia. Harry Espy and Warren Woolf look on.
 | Dick and Pat Weaver with granddaughter Alicia and with Warren in the background. Most of the children around are Weaver grandchildren. |
Dan Cox took Jo Allison, Harry Espy, Max Hardie and Curtis Martin fishing for salmon on the Kenai River. Max caught a nice sized pink salmon.
 | The Kenai Mountains are visible from the Kenai River where we went for our fishing expedition. The river bank was lined with fishermen, often including whole families. |
The abundant rain has kept the daisies healthy. Only a few species of wildflowers persist till this late in the year, which is the beginning of fall for this part of the country.  |  |
The men of our group practiced with Kathryn Fant on Sunday afternoon just before the service. Below, Harry Espy directs the impromptu men's chorus consisting of Curtis Martin, Warren Woolf, Gene Allison, Rod Nave, and Max Hardie. Justin Weaver has gotten to be such good buddies with Max that he came up to help out in the song. Our team was responsible for the evening service. |  |
1992 |